Top users Of all time


With 8521 hours active time


With 4507 hours active time


- хcσrpíє -
With 4255 hours active time
With 3833 hours active time
With 3297 hours active time
With 2900 hours active time

With 2347 hours active time

With 2315 hours active time

With 2104 hours active time

With 2036 hours active time

Top 10 compared

#1 Faizan (Status: Offline)

8521 Hours (Defines 100 %)

#2 GaMeR* (Status: Online)

4507 hours (53%)

#3 - хcσrpíє - (Status: Online)

4255 hours (50%)

#4 AdapTeR (Status: Offline)

3833 hours (45%)

#5 ★HittuLegend (Status: Offline)

3297 hours (39%)

#6 -[V]ᴏʀ[T]ᴇXxX^ (Status: Offline)

2900 hours (34%)

#7 -gux (Status: Offline)

2347 hours (28%)

#8 Joker (Status: Online)

2315 hours (27%)

#9 IbRaHiM,- (Status: Offline)

2104 hours (25%)

#10 compli (Status: Offline)

2036 hours (24%)

Top 10 Statistics

Top 10 vs others in online time

Top 10 vs others in active time

Top 10 vs others in inactive time