Top users Of all time


With 10461 hours active time


- хcσrpíє -
With 5130 hours active time


With 4701 hours active time
With 4679 hours active time
With 3381 hours active time
With 3297 hours active time

With 3237 hours active time

[R]ᴇʙᴏʀɴ [F]ᴏʀᴄᴇ^
With 3212 hours active time

With 3143 hours active time

With 2510 hours active time

Top 10 compared

#1 Faizan (Status: Offline)

10461 Hours (Defines 100 %)

#2 - хcσrpíє - (Status: Online)

5130 hours (49%)

#3 GaMeR* (Status: Offline)

4701 hours (45%)

#4 AdapTeR (Status: Online)

4679 hours (45%)

#5 Joker (Status: Online)

3381 hours (32%)

#6 ★HittuLegend (Status: Offline)

3297 hours (32%)

#7 compli (Status: Offline)

3237 hours (31%)

#8 [R]ᴇʙᴏʀɴ [F]ᴏʀᴄᴇ^ (Status: Offline)

3212 hours (31%)

#9 -gux (Status: Offline)

3143 hours (30%)

#10 IbRaHiMMMMM.'+ (Status: Offline)

2510 hours (24%)

Top 10 Statistics

Top 10 vs others in online time

Top 10 vs others in active time

Top 10 vs others in inactive time